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Mold due to a Dirty AC Coil from an AC Repair Miami Beach Customer

Updated: Sep 20, 2018

I cannot stress enough the importance of having regular maintenance on your AC Unit. This alone will avoid costly AC Repair Miami Beach Customers time, money and hassle or multiple Air Conditioning Repair Pembroke Pines problems.

It can lead to worse even having to replace your AC Unit and have us do an a new AC Installation . Even if you do have an existing service provider with a regular ac maintenance plan make sure that they check your AC Evaporator Coil or it even something you can check. After all everyone has a cell phone with flashlight on it these days so there are NO EXCUSES!

Having a dirty coil is worse than having a dirty AC filter. After all the filter is protecting the coil that is the whole purpose.

It is not a possibility but a probability that the following will happen:

1) Possible Mold , Mildew and other Harmful Contaminants that will travel through your AC Ductwork and you WILL BREATHE In as well as YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS.

2) Restrict the Air Flow of your Air Conditioning Unit that will Raise your Electricty Bills

3) Restrict the Air Flow that will lead to your Unit Freezing and actually form Ice on your AC Unit

4) Cause your other parts of your AC Unit to work Harder that can even damage your AC Compressor to where it will need Replacement or in some cases replacement of your entire Air Conditioning Unit

The List goes on and on but hopefully these alone will make you realize the importance of having a Clean Air Conditioning Coil to avoid AC Repair that will cost much much more !


Very Simple , determine yourself if the coil needs attention or call an AC HVAC Contractor Professional to evaluate the overall condition. If it is needing cleaning depending on the type of coil we van in most cases bring your AC Unit Coil to its original looking condition . The cost $150 - $350 in most cases.

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