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Air Conditioning Repair Miami Beach that caused Severe Flu Like Symptoms

Updated: Sep 20, 2018

Pembroke Pines AC Repair example of a Dirty AC Filter and A Must Have Clean AC Filter!

I felt the urgent need to share this story during an AC Repair Pembroke Pines Call we went to visit !

Recently for two weeks i was encountering flu like symptoms - Runny Nose, Itchy Eyes, Coughing etc. every time i was in my vehicle driving. I was taking all types of over the counter medicines and it just would not go away !

Make a long story short it was from a Dirty Filter from this Pembroke Pines AC Repair that I offered to dispose of from a client during an AC Repair Visit that I threw in my vehicle.

I was cleaning my vehicle one day and as I grabbed this filter that I totally forgot about dust starting flying everywhere including into my eyes nose and mouth. At that point the realization occcured that this was the cause of my issues !

Point to be taken Change or Clean Your AC Filter Regularly ! The importance of doing so i cannot stress enough !

Although your filter does catch the dust it does travel through your AC into your ductwork and into your body !

So Air Conditioning Repair Miami Beach Community Members please do not neglect this simple AC Maintenance that should be addressed regularly and hopefully once a month !

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